Que hicimos en Febrero?
What we did in February?
By this time of the year the Spanish class start getting more interesting because the children are definitely familiar with the routines of the class and they are more comfortable with the fact of learning a new language.
That means the vocabulary is growing and with this the chances that some of them can start incorporating what they know on the new themes (can describe color, shapes and quantity).
That’s is why in the class we are starting with themes more related with their environment, this month we learned about clothes.
This is the vocabulary:
– Pantalón (pants)
– Camiseta (shirt)
– Vestido (dress)
– Chaqueta (jacket)
– Guantes (gloves)
– Sombrero (hat)
– Medias (socks)
– Botas (boots)
– Zapatos (shoes)
– Sandalias (sandals)
Finally as a review we were singing the songs of the old repertoire and also I added some books related with the previous themes.
Hasta pronto,
Señora Romero